Residential Program
Park Place Gorham is a 6-bed residential program for males 7-13 years old who have a mental health diagnosis and behavioral challenges and are in need of family and individual treatment with support.
Admissions: We specialize in trauma-focused therapy and individual family therapy. Referrals go through the ITRT process for initial approval, then the referral is reviewed by our clinical team.
The Park Place House is a ranch style building with six individual bedrooms and three bathrooms situated on eight acres of rural land. Staff and office are in a separate wing of the house. There is an open concept kitchen and dining room with separate study area and living room. Staffing is provided 24-7 with awake overnight staff, a full time clinician and director on site.
For questions or referral information, please contact:
Chris Inzerillo, Director of Residential Services
Ph: 207-653-2832