Home and Community Based Treatment (HCT)
Our in home clinical team provides individual and family therapy, behavioral support, parent education and psycho-education. They are trained in a number of treatment modalities which include Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral therapy, ARC (Attachement, Regulation, and Competency System Level), play therapy, and family system work.
Connections for Kids’ Community Support Services helps parents with their every day life struggles. We help parents manage and maintain their children in predictable and safe environments. Connections for Kids works with families and their children on their mental health, behavioral challenges and basic needs. Connections for Kids is committed to best practice and measurable outcomes for their children and families.
Who’s Eligible?
Children between the ages of 3-21 with serious emotional and mental health issues who are currently enrolled in Maine Care and live in Maine.
To make a referral, Case Managers, Outpatient Providers or Legal Guardians can fax the completed (Referral and Release forms) to KEPRO (866)-325-4752 , as Kepro holds the centralized wait list for HCT.