Thousands of knitted and crocheted caps being distributed to families throughout
New England to prevent shaken baby syndrome
Caps serve as a reminder to parents and caregivers that it is okay to ask for help and take a break
PORTLAND, ME – November 1, 2013 – Each year, more than 1,400 babies are shaken and abused as a result of a parent or caregiver becoming frustrated with an infant’s crying. Research shows that frustration with a crying infant is the number one trigger for the shaking and abuse of infants. The majority of shaken infants suffer a variety of significant and life-long injuries that range from seizures and cerebral palsy to death.
Through a unique collaboration of knitters and crocheters, the National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome (NCSBS) is working to build awareness of the dangers of shaking an infant by collecting and distributing thousands of purple-colored baby caps to parents of new babies.
The campaign, titled CLICK for Babies: Period of PURPLE Crying Caps, aims to build awareness of a normal, but often frustrating phase in an infant’s development when they cry more than any other point in their life. This developmental phase, called the Period of PURPLE Crying, provides a new way for parents and caregivers to understand normal infant crying, ways to cope with the crying and the dangers of shaking an infant.
“More than 70,000 knitted and crocheted caps have been donated from volunteer knitters and crocheters throughout North America,” says Jamie Justice, Co-campaign Director. “These amazing caps serve as an important reminder to parents that all infant’s cry – sometimes inconsolably – but the most important thing you can do when feeling frustrated is to put the infant in a safe place and take a short break. ”
Starting today and continuing through the end of the December, hospitals will distribute the thousands of hand-made knitted and crocheted caps to parents of new babies with information about the Period of PURPLE Crying.
“We are so thrilled to be involved again in the CLICK for Babies campaign, says Genevieve Gardner, Executive Director of two Maine based non-profits, Connections for Kids, and Kids Free to Grow. “The CLICK for Babies campaign really presents a tremendous opportunity to spread awareness about the Period of PURPLE Crying and prepare parents for the challenges of raising a new infant.”
More information about the CLICK for Babies campaign, including participating organizations, patterns for caps, and guidelines for caps is available at For more information about the Period of PURPLE Crying program or the National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome visit or